rants and rambles

god i fucking hate when transphobes use one bad experience to justify their hate. i was threatened in the WOMEN'S BATHROOM (the one transphobes insist that i, as a trans man should use) because i looked too masculine. i was ten fucking years old.when i was eleven i came out to my parents. both are cis. they claim to support me. it's been years now. still, they don't care how their comments about other trans people affect me. i've been told it's too hard to use any pronouns other than she/her. my identity has been the butt of SO. MANY. JOKES. my mother shames me for my dysphoria. at the age of twelve, i was asked relentlessly about my gender by cis people that i had known for months. constantly for months on end. every fucking conversation with one person would be "so are you a boy or a girl? tell me. you can tell me. what's your gender?" at thirteen i was bullied relentlessy.